

Users start processes that run in the background without the user being hindered in his work. The processes are sequentially processed on the server from a queue.


Figure 23 - Queue

·         Allows the monitoring of processes on the server

·         Types of processes in the queue

o   Release Project

o   Create Paper version

·         While a job is running, the current document title is shown as a progress indicator in the queue list.

·         Shows all orders in the queue

·         Sorts according to ID


Filtering with Search Criteria


Filter by ID of the process

Choose Project

Filter by Project

Choose Type

Filter by Type(Paperversion or Publish)

Choose Status

Filter by Status

Date from

Filter from selected date

Date to

Filter to the selected date


Filter by user

Refreshing the Queue

The Queue Administration window is static

Reload the page or change the filters to refresh the queue

Deleting processes

Own processes in the W, C, I states can be manually deleted

Processes in the R=Running status can only be deleted by the system administrator

The Select All and Clear All checkbox makes the selection of all displayed processes easier







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