AdministrationAdministration\Templates\Generate Template

Generate Template

To generate a template, first select the type of template you want to generate. Next, fill out the fields with the desired text and CSS and lastly select “Generate Template” button at the bottom of the form.

Figure 18 - Generate Template


The generated HTML file will be downloaded which can then be edited as desired.


The different templates that can be generated are:


Figure 19: Example of a generated PPV_TOC


Figure 20: Example of a generated publication cover page


Figure 21: Example of a generated binder cover



Figure 22: Example of a generated binder spine



When adding placeholders, the context in which the placeholder is used is important. The table below describes which placeholders can be used for each template.


Placeholder usage in paperversion jobs

Below is a list of all the placeholders that are supported in paperversion jobs. In the table each row contains a placeholder and each column describes the execution situation where the placeholders would come into play.

Most placeholders are applicable to all situations, in these cases the columns have been merged.

Example: To use the placeholder called binderNumber, it must be added in as ${binderNumber}

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