

An overview of all Projects

Figure 26 -Overview of all projects

From this page, the administrator has an overview of all Projects


The ID of the project, this is automatically generated by eDoc

Project ID

The ID of the project given by the creator of the project

Project Version

Specifies which version of the project the status is of


·         WP - Work in Progress (WP)
After creation, a project normally remains in the WP status until all editorial work is complete.

·         CM – Committed
The project is in the CM status during the publication process.

·         RL – Released
Once the publication process is complete, the status is set to RL.

·         SU – Superseded
This status is automatically set when a newer version of the project is published.


The name of the project

Import Annotations

Annotations created form an offline version can be imported back into the online version of the project


Specific Project Overview

Click on the status of a project version to view information about specific project versions errors

This page provides the user with an overview of the documents which haven’t been correctly imported

To restart a specific process in the scheduler click on the exclamation mark next to the error message, the Scheduler page is then opened with the selected process

Figure 27 – Specific project overview

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